During the coronavirus pandemic, everyone needs to practice good cleaning and disinfection habits. This includes identifying high-touch surfaces that need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly, both at work and at home. Disinfectants are chemical products that kill germs on surfaces and objects. They usually need to be left on the surface for a specified amount of time, known as the contact/wet time. Visit us at https://qualitycln.com/ if you don’t know where to start.
Surfaces That Need To Be Disinfected

Surface disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide work well to kill germs and reduce their numbers on surfaces. However, they can be toxic to the skin and must be handled correctly in order not to damage the surface. A more non-irritating alternative is a surface cleaner that uses hypochlorous acid.
Both cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces are important, but it’s not more effective to focus on one over the other. Cleaning a surface removes the dirt and other impurities that are present on the surface, which helps reduce the number of germs. Disinfecting is a process that kills germs and bacteria on the surface by disrupting their cell membrane. This makes it necessary to use a disinfectant that is safe for the specific surface you’re trying to clean and disinfect.
To properly disinfect a surface, read the product instructions on your surface cleaner or disinfectant and follow these guidelines:
Always scrub the surface before using a disinfectant. This removes the majority of the germs and bacteria, which allows the disinfectant to effectively kill them.
Once you’re done scrubbing the surface, rinse it with running water to remove any residue. Then, let the surface dry. Depending on the disinfectant you’re using, the instructions will state how long the solution needs to rest on the surface to kill the germs. Often, this is referred to as the contact time and it’s typically listed on the label.
Frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, alcohol-based solution dispensers, light switches, and sink taps are the highest risk for germ contamination. When these surfaces aren’t cleaned and disinfected regularly, they can quickly become breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. These germs are then transferred to the hands of those who touch them, resulting in illness for both the people touching the surface and those around them.
Surfaces that need to be regularly cleaned and disinfected include counters, tables, hard-back chairs, sinks, faucets, and call bells. All of these surfaces are touched by people daily, which can lead to the transfer of germs and bacteria. Keeping these surfaces hygienic is key to reducing illness in the workplace and the home.
Surfaces That Need To Be Cleaned
Clean surfaces regularly to remove dirt, dust, and other debris. Unlike other cleaning tasks, cleaning high-touch surfaces should be done daily to help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Some examples of high-touch surfaces include door handles, arms of reception area chairs, elevator buttons and stair railings, touchpads, common area telephones, and restroom fixtures.
In addition to cleaning, surface disinfection can further reduce the likelihood of disease transmission. Disinfectants kill viruses and bacteria that are not removed during the cleaning process, such as those that cause the respiratory illness COVID-19.
It is important to remember that cleaning and disinfecting are two different things. When cleaning a high-touch surface, it is recommended to use a CDC-approved cleaner or disinfectant and follow the instructions on the product label. It is also critical to use appropriate cleaning tools for each task and to dispose of contaminated items immediately afterward.
During COVID-19 outbreaks, it is essential to focus on cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces to help prevent the spread of infection. It is also a good idea to implement frequent, effective handwashing procedures to minimize the risk of contracting and spreading germs.
To clean a high-touch surface, it is important to start by removing any visible dirt and debris with a damp cloth or sponge. Next, wipe the surface using a sanitizing wipe or spray with a CDC-approved disinfectant that is labeled as safe for that specific surface or object. Follow the instructions on the label to determine how long the disinfectant should be left on the surface, known as its contact/wet time.
Finally, it is important to rinse and dry the surface after applying the disinfectant. This can be done by rinsing the surface with clean water, though this may not be necessary depending on the product instructions. After rinsing, any areas that need to be dried should be done with single-use paper towels or disinfectant-compatible wipes. It is best to air-dry these items rather than using reusable materials, such as cloth towels or washcloths, that could carry germs and bacteria back onto the surface.
Surfaces That Need To Be Sanitized
It’s important to keep in mind that while cleaning a surface or object will reduce the number of bacteria and germs on it, it isn’t enough to kill them. That’s where disinfecting comes in. A good quality disinfectant will kill all the viruses, bacteria, and germs that are on a dirty surface, leaving it clean, hygienic, and ready to be used.
Surfaces that need to be disinfected include high-touch surfaces such as door handles, light switches, and bathroom fixtures. Typically these areas are exposed to many hands throughout the day and can be a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and germs. Depending on the level of risk, these surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected 2-3 times a day. Objects that are shared and get a lot of use may need to be cleaned and disinfected even more frequently.
In a business setting, surfaces that need to be sanitized include computers, fax machines, phones, and other electronic equipment. These surfaces should be sanitized with a quality disinfectant, usually after each use or when they are visibly soiled.
In the home, it is recommended that all high-touch surfaces are cleaned and sanitized regularly. This includes door knobs and handles, light switches, remote controls, gaming controllers, and other everyday household items. Think of how many people touch your TV remote or video game controller in a day and how much dirt, germs, and bacteria they pick up. All of these devices and surfaces can be cleaned and sanitized with a quality cleaner and a disinfectant wipe or spray.
When cleaning and disinfecting a surface, it’s best to clean it first, which means scraping off any stuck-on food debris or dirt. Then, wash the surface with a suitable soap, detergent, or cleaning solution and rinse it. After that, you can apply a sanitizer or disinfectant and let it sit for the specified time on the label. It’s also a good idea to always use a product that is safe for skin contact and non-toxic.
Lastly, it’s important to dry the surface. This can be done by using a towel or air drying the area after the disinfectant has had the opportunity to work. It is recommended to use single-use towels for this purpose, as these can be disposed of right away after the process.
Surfaces That Need To Be Dried
Regardless of whether you work in a hospital, office, shop, school, restaurant, or other public space, many surfaces need to be cleaned regularly. These are known as high-touch surfaces, and they easily facilitate the spread of germs if they are not properly disinfected. The first step in tackling this problem is for facilities to do a risk assessment of their environment, and identify all the surfaces that need to be disinfected. Then, they need to determine how often these surfaces should be cleaned and what cleaning and disinfecting process is best for them.
To disinfect something, you need to use a chemical solution that kills most types of germs on contact. For example, chlorine bleach and rubbing alcohol are both good choices for surfaces that need to be sanitized. Using a clean, microfiber cloth sprayed with the cleaner or disinfectant will allow you to wipe down the surface and kill any remaining germs. Lastly, the surface needs to be dried thoroughly.
Most high-touch surfaces should be wiped down at least twice a day. In some cases, they may need to be sanitized or disinfected more often, especially if a sick person has touched them. For this reason, all workers must understand what surfaces are considered high-touch and how to clean them correctly.
Aside from the risk of infection, cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces helps reduce the spread of the coronavirus. It also ensures that patients, visitors, and employees are protected. This helps to create a more comfortable working environment, which is essential during the pandemic.
It is recommended that facilities follow the CDC guidelines for cleaning their spaces. They should sanitize or disinfect all high-touch surfaces, as well as other surfaces that need to be regularly cleaned, every day. This includes door handles and knobs, light switches, remotes and gaming controllers, countertops, kitchen equipment, and so on.
When using a cleaning or disinfectant, it is important to read the instructions on the label and to wear any PPE required. Generally, these include masks, goggles, and gloves. When applying the solution, make sure the surface stays wet for the amount of time specified on the label (contact/wet times). Once the disinfectant has been allowed to rest, rinse it with running water.